Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bag It

As I was enjoying my Munchie's Mix, specifically the Dorritos and Cheetos, and picking out the cheddar sun-chips and pretzels, I decided that I really would "bag-them-up" and save them for someone else who enjoys them. (f.y.i. eating Munchies with Wendy really works out great so you know; me = dorritos & cheetos,
wendy = sun-chips and pretzels).

Anyway, I've been told a few times in the past that I am a "picky-eater." So I thought about all the things I typically could do without (such as cheddar sun-chips and pretzels). Now don't get me wrong, it's not that I dislike these ingredients, but when paired with the other great choices, I'd rather savor the best and not have them.

Here's a few more items that I'd rather "bag" then taste...

Ah--the divided Munchies....

Here's for tomatoes....

One for mushrooms....

Don't forget onions....

Now whenever I eat something that has ingredients I'd rather do without, I can just "bag-it" and save it for someone who enjoy's it.


Disclaimer: I would have you know, that I am a much better eater now then I have ever been--and I enjoy things I never thought I could. That'd be great if I could take credit for this but actually, Jeff, Wendy, and her mom deserve a round of applause for their effort in getting me to taste new things. (really, I hope you're clapping). Thanks guys, quite a few baggies have been spared!

So... I'm curious. What would you "bag?"

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Who's It?

I'm a little late at reaching out to the little girl playing tag, but better late then never right? (check out Wendy's blog if you wish to understand )

#1--- 5 years ago :

  • I was struggling in many ways and wanted to believe in myself but didn't know how to go about it. I am grateful that someone actually did and demonstrated this to me.

Also, just on a side note...5 years ago gas prices were climbing. Yes, on April 22nd, 2003 we were paying a whopping $1.67 per gallon! I was driving a little car and could fill up my tank for under $15. That sounds almost too good to be true...

#2--- 5 things on my To-Do list today:

  • Organize and finish compiling my MUSIC 3260 (a.k.a teaching Music) final notebook
  • Take out the garbage in my room & bathroom
  • Continue looking for jobs and apartments online (if anyone knows of a great paying summer job, please let me know!)
  • Practice playing the Recorder (yes, the dinky instrument you learn in the 4th grade. I've paid around $1500 for school this May to learn how to play the recorder and correctly blow a whistle for PE. Good times.)
  • Finish filling at least one of my cog meters on Toon Town

#3--- 5 snacks I enjoy:

  • Ice cream
  • Munchies Mix (what isn't better then mixing dorritos and cheetos--i could do w/out the cheddar sun chips and pretzels though)
  • Peanut Butter M&Ms
  • Dr. Pepper
  • Bite Size Charleston Chews

#4--- 5 places I have lived:

  • Jeff & Wendy's
  • Wasatch Hall in Logan Utah Apt. 302 (was actually here for two school years with a new set of roommates the 2nd year)
  • Old Farm Town Houses Apt. A2
  • Old Farm Town Houses Apt. A2 (same apartment, same room, same roomies from the year before. Well-only 1/2 of the year with all same roommates; 3 of them moved on to better things like getting married and going on a mission.)
  • Old Farm Town Houses Apt. U3 (notice the change? Yes, I moved across the parking lot for the 4 weeks in May).

#5 ---5 jobs that I have had:

  • Fry sauce Queen (weirdest job yet--filled small fry sauce containers at Taco Amigo when I was 15)
  • Utah State University Out-Catering (I now know how to twist napkins into a spiffy design and have been in almost every building at USU.)
  • Lochearn Camp for Girls in Vermont (this would be where I picked up my amazing basket-weaving skills)
  • Restaurant Manager at Fazolis (pretty good deal here making money and getting awesome food discounts for myself and others!)
  • Substitute Teacher (favorite job yet! This is how I learned that I actually wanted to teach older grades.)

Seriously, if you haven't already, check out Wendy's blog on this--it's great!

I'll bet you will want to reach out too ;)


Monday, May 19, 2008

Anyone call for a Chaplain?

So my job is an interesting job. Some, that should say MOST, days are monotonous-but like today, still interesting. It consists of just a few things: informing people that the government owes them money (it’s actually true), checking up on cases, signing letters, and making phone calls. That last one is what gets me sometimes. I’m becoming more aware of my inability to pronounce names. But anyway, today at work I had me a pretty interesting call.

I never actually spoke to the person, just got the answering machine and boy, did it take me for surprise! I probably shouldn’t say the name of the person I was trying to contact (I’m not sure that would be kosher with my job–and I’m not ready to lose it quite yet) so we’ll just say I was trying to get a hold of Bob. I was preparing to leave a message, one I have memorized by now, when the answering machine came on.

Who would have known that Bob’s number and the Chaplain’s for Niagra County Jail were just one number off? That’s right I called the Chaplain. At first I thought it was a joke. (You know, some people have weird messages for their answering machines). Yeah, it wasn’t a joke. But I had me a good laugh! I’m not sure what I would have done had he actually answered. Hmm..that could have been an odd conversation.

Needless to say, if anyone needs the number for a very nice sounding Chaplain for the Niagra County Jail, just let me know!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

This is it...

Welcome to my blog! I’ve decided to start it off with a question:

What is it you’re supposed to say in your first official POST on your new blog? I know... it’s a tough one. But really---Am I supposed to introduce myself? Share a funny story? Admit that I’m quite nervous about it? Anyway, I thought about it for a long time, (probably longer than needed) and am still at a loss.

So this is it. Really. Nothing more, nothing less. But even if the content for today isn’t great–it sure looks great (one might think that’s bragging, but thanks to Wendy, it’s actually not!)

I’m so excited to give this a shot--
Blogging, here I come!